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Signature Series 5
Flameon Miniatures
Signature Series 5 comes from Maciej at Flameon Miniatures. Maciej has developed a large Patreon following with his unique and recognizable paint style. His set features a color palette used for a bright gold NMM (non-metallic metal) technique and the set also offers a range of paints that fit seamlessly into our current range.

Signature Series 6
Rogue Hobbies
Signature Series 6 comes from Louise Sugden at Rogue Hobbies. Louise is an extraordinary artist known for her dynamic painting style and use of bright colors. The Rogue Hobbies set features striking hues and vibrant colors that make a bold statement. These colors have been meticulously crafted to push the overall vibrancy of the Pro Acryl range.

AdeptiCon Spray Team Set
The AdeptiCon Spray Team Set will offer a wide range of colors from a bright flesh tone to a gritty metallic color. Monument Hobbies and the AdeptiCon Spray Team worked together to create colors and hues that the Spray Team will utilize on their AdeptiCon projects. The best convention deserves the best paints.

More PRO Acryl Paint Sets!
Why stop there when you can continue to build your PRO Acryl arsenal!